This course, approved by the Prevention Credentialing Consortium of Georgia as a Core Course, is designed to provide a basic introduction to the Principles of the Code of Ethical Conduct for Prevention, Early Intervention and Health Promotion Professionals and Volunteers. It will also provide an overview of the ethical dilemmas that Prevention Professionals encounter in their work. Using the Code of Ethics from the Prevention Think Tank as a framework, participants will explore ethical principles using interactive methods and role-plays that encourage and support adult learning.
This course, approved by the Prevention Credentialing Consortium of Georgia as a Core Course, will give Prevention Professionals a refresher in cultural awareness and appropriateness in the prevention field. At a young age most people learn how to recognize differences more quickly than similarities and how to dislike others who are not like us. In our ever-increasing diverse communities, understanding, tolerance and appreciation for differences is necessary to running effective prevention programs. This session will include activities and discussions exploring cultural diversity and prejudices in a safe environment in order to learn how to increase cultural competence and create safe spaces in your programs and organizations. Bring an open mind, as we will discuss critical diversity issues such as racism, ageism, heterosexism and sexism.
This course, approved by the Prevention Credentialing Consortium of Georgia as a Core Course, is a response to the prevention domain changes made by IC&RC. In order for prevention professionals to be prepared to interview or test for their prevention credentials, they will need this core course that will focus on interpersonal communication, facilitation, public speaking and good listening skills as well as public awareness campaigns and marketing basics.
This course, approved by the Prevention Credentialing Consortium of Georgia as a Core Course, will provide a basic foundation of prevention knowledge that can be further expanded through ongoing prevention training and development. By the end of this workshop, participants will:
- Identify protective factors currently being used or those that will be implemented;
- Identify one prevention process/program that represents each prevention strategy;
- Identify risk factors;
- Determine what works in prevention;
- Define prevention strategies; and
- Outline historical timeline of prevention
Registrant must attend both days of training in order to receive credit.